Thursday 10 October 2013


Martha, one of the Adeboye identical twins, became the first warrior to bear the stump of shame. She suffered this consequence in the wake of the Spear tribe’s loss to the Swords in the task – The Pyramid.  

The task involved assembling of puzzles. Before solving the puzzle, members of each tribe were to swim across a river, going over an obstacle and following a path marked by flags into a Blacksmith shack. Inside the shack were six pieces of puzzles for each tribe.

The puzzles were to be retrieved in a descending order. They would then make their way back across the river, guided by another rope to drop the puzzle on a table at the assembling point. The members of each tribe would then form the puzzles into a pyramid.

Martha proved to be the Archilles Heel of the Spears as they lost once again to the Swords. For being the weakest link, Martha had to carry the stump of shame. As the bearer she becomes an outcast in the camp till the next challenge.

Martha delayed proceedings at the Place of The Talking Drum as she had great difficulty dragging her Stump of Shame. She broke the rules of the Stump of Shame by interacting with her Tribesmen, an action considered a grievous offence in the Ultimate Search.

As a punitive measure, the rope which gave Martha considerable allowance from the Stump of Shame was shortened to ensure that the stump moves as Martha takes each step. She was to keep vigil by the tribe’s flag pole and Anthony, the tribe’s leader who failed in enforcing the punishment was to stand by all through the night to ensure compliance.

For more exciting episodes and clues to the Fans Edition tune in to the following stations: African Magic (DSTV), Ebonylife TV, Realstar, Wap TV, ESBS and AKBC at 10pm; and AIT & Galaxy TV at 10:30pm.

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