He never had a single vote cast against him, but Rupert made the fatal strategic flaw of opting to take his wife’s place at Redemption Island, and he paid the price when he came in last place in the duel and was immediately out of the game. It was Rupert’s fourth — and perhaps last — chance at winning the show. But don’t feel too sorry for the guy: He did score a million dollars as the winner of the Survivor: All-Stars fan favorite vote, so he’s doing just fine.
The rest of the episode centered around Colton being pissed off that everybody else seemed to be getting along just hunky dory, and Vytas coming up with an ingenious plan to weaken the returning players by voting out one of their own weakest members in Rachel in the hopes that Tyson would pull a Rupert and take her place at Redemption Island. The newbies did, in fact, lose the immunity challenge — at the hands (and mouth) of Gervase, no less — and did vote out Rachel. Whether the plan comes to complete fruition or not remains to be seen.
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