Friday, 4 October 2013


Start Right Now
Right now you can start putting all of these ideas into practice. You have no excuse to wait. It is Saturday so you will be more likely to go to the Mall than work, but try—even if only once—to make a stranger remember you today. Do at least one act that turns heads. Make someone say “Wow!” Alternatively, start that book you want to write. Start that blog you have always wanted to create. Make your dinner remarkable: set the table and have a high-class restaurant experience at home. All it takes is a bit of change and a new way of thinking to completely transform your life.

Be Remarkable
In every aspect of your life: be remarkable. Be the person that turns heads by going the extra mile. If someone asks for $1 give them $10. If you want to start a website don’t publish one article a day: publish four. Put everything you have into whatever you are doing. It may seem like hard work, but in the end you will be the one everyone remembers. And quite often doing something remarkable doesn’t have to be hard. It can be as easy as responding to every comment on your blog—or remembering someone’s name when you meet them for the second time. People don’t pay extra at Harrods because the goods are better (though sometimes they are,) they pay for service that makes them say “Wow"

Be First
This is getting harder I will admit, but a difficult job of getting traction for your ideas is made significantly easier if no one has seen it before. Be the first to do something and you are already half-way to success. Seth Godin is a great author whose books I strongly recommend. In one of his books he talks about the leader of a village in India with no electricity. The leader—a very old man—bought the first solar-powered lantern (everyone else was using kerosene lamps). For months after his front yard was filled with all the villagers watching the lamp and discussing how long it would last. He was a hero in his town—he had everyone’s eyes on him. Eventually everyone else got the same lanterns but do you think the second guy who bought one had a yard full of people? Nope. He was second.(to be continued)

Stay tuned

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